Thursday, September 21, 2017

6 Ways to boost your chances of winning the DV Lottery


Every year, millions of people around the globe apply for the Green Card Lottery for a chance to move to the USA and start a new life or to simply adjust their status in America.The Diversity Visa Lottery as it is official known provides some 50000 visas to foreigners with low rate of immigration to the United States. Less than 2% of applicants end up getting a visa.

Here is how you can maximize your chances of being selected for further processing for the Electronic Diversiy Visa Program:

I. Be a native of an eligible country
  • If you were not born in an eligible country, there are two other ways you might be able to qualify.
1. If your spouse was born in a country whose natives are eligible you can claim your
spouse’s country of birth provided that both you and your spouse are named on the selected
entry, are found eligible and issued diversity visas, and enter the United States simultaneously.

2. If you were born in a country whose natives are ineligible, but in which neither of your parents
was born or legally resident at the time of your birth you may claim the country of birth
of one of your parents if it is a country whose natives are eligible for the current DV program.
  • Natives of oceania region have better odds of being selected as fewer people apply for the lottery in that region. 
  • Every year a list of countries whose natives are not eligible to apply for the DV Lottery program is published. Make sure you check out the list!
II. You must meet the education/work experience requirement of the DV program 
  • by having either:
1. at least a high school education or its equivalent, defined as successful completion of a 12-year course of formal elementary and secondary education; OR

2. two years of work experience within the past five  years in an occupation that requires at least two years of training or experience that is classified in a Specific  Vocational Training Preparation (SVP) rating 7.0 or higher.

It's not necessary to meet the work or education requirements before you apply for the DV Lottery;However these must be met before applying for a visa at the embassy if you were selected for further processing.

III. You must meet the age requirement

 The requirement of a high school education or work experience for each principal applicant at the time of application will effectively disqualify most persons who are under age 18.

IV. You must meet the photograph requirement of the DV program
  • You should submit recent photographs (taken within the last six months) of yourself, your spouse, and all your children.
  • Group photographs will not be accepted.Do not manipulate your photo in any way.
  • Do not submit the same photograph that was submitted with a prior year’s entry;doing so will result in disqualification.
  •   For more details, see Digital Photograph for compositional and technical specifications.
V. You must list your eligible spouse and children (if married)
  • Enter the name, date of birth, gender, city/town of birth, and country of birth of your spouse, and a photograph of your spouse meeting the same technical specifications as your photo. Failure to list your eligible spouse will result in your disqualification as the Diversity Visa principal applicant and refusal of all visa applications in your case at the time of the visa interview. You must list your spouse even if you currently are separated from him/her, unless you are legally separated. 
  • List the name, date of birth, gender, city/town of birth, and country of birth for all living unmarried children under 21 years of age, regardless of whether they are living with you or intend to accompany or follow to join you, should you immigrate to the United States. Submit individual photographs of each of your children using the same technical specifications as your own photograph. Failure to list all children who are eligible will result in disqualification of the principal applicant and refusal of all visa applications in the case at the time of the visa interview.
VI. As the principal applicant, you must submit only one single Electronic Diversity Visa Entry Form online at
  • You and your spouse can each submit a seperate entry if you both meet the DV Lottery requirements.
 You are strongly encourage you to complete the entry form yourself, without a “visa consultant,” “visa agent,” or other facilitator who offers to help. If someone helps you, you should be present when your entry is prepared so you can provide the correct answers to the questions and retain the confirmation page and your unique confirmation number. It is extremely important that you retain your confirmation page and unique confirmation number. Without this information, you will not be able to access the online system that informs you of your entry status. You also should retain access to the email account listed in your E-DV entry.
          Beware of scams;don't fall a victim!!!

 It's free to enter the DV Lottery!

⚠ All entries must be submitted online through the E-DV website during the registration period.No late or paper entries are accepted after the specified registration period!
⚠ Be cautious if someone offers to keep your unique confirmation number information for you!
⚠ You are strongly encouraged to access ''Entrant Status Check yourself''. Do not rely on someone else to check and inform you!


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

DV Lottery Digital Photograph compositional and technical specifications

                  Image result for dv lottery

As DV Lottery applicant you must make sure you meet the photo requirements of the DV program.
You can take a new digital photograph or scan a recent (taken within the last six months) photograph with a digital scanner, as long as it meets the compositional and technical specifications listed below. Do not submit an old photograph. Submitting the same photograph that you submitted with a prior year’s entry, a photograph that has been manipulated, or a photograph that does not meet the specifications below will result in disqualification.

Photographs must be in 24-bit color depth. If you are using a scanner, the settings must be for True
Color or 24-bit color mode. See the additional scanning requirements below.

Compositional Specifications:

  •  Head Position

o The subject must directly face the camera.
o The subject’s head should not be tilted up, down, or to the side.
o The head height or facial region size (measured from the top of the head, including the
hair, to the bottom of the chin) must be between 50 percent and 69 percent of the image’s
total height. The eye height (measured from the bottom of the image to the level of the
eyes) should be between 56 percent and 69 percent of the image’s height.

Digital Image Head Size Template

Related image

  •  Light-colored Background

o The subject should be in front of a neutral, light-colored background.

  •  Focus

o The photograph must be in focus.

  •  No Glasses

o The subject must not wear glasses or other items that detract from the face.

  • No Head Coverings or Hats

o Head coverings or hats worn for religious reasons are acceptable, but the head covering
may not obscure any portion of the face. Tribal or other headgear not religious in nature
may not be worn. Photographs of military, airline, or other personnel wearing hats will
not be accepted.

Technical Specifications

  •  Taking a New Digital Image. If you submit a new digital image, it must meet the following specifications:
 Image File Format:                           The image must be in the Joint Photographic Experts Group                                                                     (JPEG) format.

Image File Size:                                The maximum image file size is 240 kilobytes (240 KB).

Image Resolution and Dimensions:    Minimum acceptable dimensions are 600 pixels (width) x 600                                                                pixels (height) up to 1200 pixels x 1200 pixels. Image pixel                                                                    dimensions must be in a square aspect ratio (meaning the                                                                        height must be equal to the width).

Image Color Depth:                            Image must be in color (24 bits per pixel). 24-bit black and                                                                      white or 8-bit images will not be accepted.

  • Scanning a Submitted Photograph. Before you scan a photographic print, make sure it meets the color and compositional specifications listed above. Scan the print using the following scanner specifications:

Scanner Resolution:                             Scanned at a resolution of at least 300 dots per inch (dpi).

Image File Format:                              The image must be in the Joint Photographic Experts Group
                                                             (JPEG) format.

 Image File Size:                                  The maximum image file size is 240 kilobytes (240 KB).

 Image Resolution:                               600 by 600 pixels to 1200 by 1200 pixels

Image Color Depth:                             24-bit color. Black and white, monochrome, or grayscale                                                                        images will not be accepted.

You can print the text on this page and take it to your professional photographer.

Feature video